Latin Name: Apteronotus albifrons
Other Names: Ghost fish, Black ghost knife fish
How hard are they to keep? Knife fish can be moderately difficult to keep due to their specific care requirements, especially their need for a suitable tank setup, appropriate water conditions, and a proper diet.
What is its maximum size? The maximum size of a knife fish can vary, but most commonly they reach lengths of 12-18 inches (30-45 cm).
Where are they from? Knife fish are native to South America, particularly found in the Amazon River Basin and its surrounding tributaries.
How many can I keep? Knife fish are usually best kept singly or in pairs to reduce territoriality and aggression. They prefer to have their own space.
How compatible are they with other fish? Knife fish are generally peaceful but can become aggressive or territorial towards other fish that invade their space or resemble potential prey. They are best kept with similarly sized, non-aggressive tank mates that can tolerate their specific water conditions.
What are the ideal water conditions? Knife fish thrive in soft, slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. The temperature should be maintained between 75-82°F (24-28°C), and the pH should range from 6.0-7.5. The Knife fish for sale have been climatized to our local water conditions.
How do you tell the difference between male and female? Determining the sex of knife fish can be challenging as there are no external differences to easily distinguish between males and females. In some cases, males may have a slightly longer or more pointed anal fin, but this method is not always reliable.
Fun Fact: Knife fish are equipped with a specialized organ called an electro-sensory system that allows them to generate and detect weak electric fields. They use this ability to navigate their surroundings, locate prey, and communicate with each other, making them highly adept in low light or murky waters.