Female Betta

Latin Name: Betta splendens

Other Names: Siamese Fighting Fish

How hard are they to keep? Female bettas are generally easier to keep than males. They are less aggressive and can typically coexist with other peaceful fish in a community tank. However, they still require proper care and maintenance, including a suitable tank size, appropriate diet, and clean water conditions.

What is its maximum size? Female Bettas typically reach a size of around 2.5 inches (6 cm).

Where are they from? Bettas are native to Southeast Asia, specifically Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

How many can I keep? Female Bettas can be kept together in groups of at least 3 or more individuals. It is important to monitor their behaviour for signs of aggression, as some females can be territorial.

How compatible are they with other fish? Female Bettas can be compatible with other peaceful and non-aggressive community fish. However, caution should be exercised when choosing tank mates, as some fish may nip at the Bettas’ fins.

What are the ideal water conditions? Female Bettas thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.0-7.5. The water temperature should be maintained between 76-82°F (24-28°C). The Female Bettas that are for sale have all been climatized to our local water conditions. They appreciate a well-planted aquarium with hiding spots and calm areas.

How do you tell the difference between Male and female? Females are typically smaller and have shorter fins compared to males. They also lack the long, flowing fins and vibrant colours commonly associated with male Bettas.

Fun Fact: Female Bettas can also exhibit vibrant and beautiful colours, although they are typically less intense than those of their male counterparts. They have their unique charm and can make stunning additions to an aquarium.

These can be found in tank Number: 59


0208 508 6579


Friendly Fish Aquatics
Inside Bonnies Oak Garden centre
Water Ln,
Roydon, Harlow,
Essex CM19 5DR