Head Light Tetra

Latin Name: Hemigrammus ocellifer

Other Names: Beacon Fish, Beacon Tetra,

How hard are they to keep? Headlight Tetras are relatively easy to care for and are suitable for beginners.

What is its maximum size? They can grow up to 2 inches (5 centimeters) in size.

Where are they from? They are native to the Amazon River basin in South America.

How many can I keep? It is recommended to keep them in groups of at least 6, but they can thrive in larger groups as well.

How compatible are they with other fish? Headlight Tetras are generally peaceful and can be kept with other small, non-aggressive fish. They do best in community tanks with similarly sized and peaceful species.

What are the ideal water conditions? They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. The temperature should be kept between 75°F and 82°F (24°C and 28°C). It is important to provide them with a well-maintained and properly cycled aquarium.

How do you tell the difference between Male and female? Males tend to have brighter colours, especially when they are in breeding condition. Females usually appear rounder and larger in the belly region.

Fun Fact: The reflective “headlight” on the body of these tetras acts as a defense mechanism, confusing predators and making it difficult for them to determine the direction the fish is swimming.

Headlight Tetra can be found in tank Number 23



0208 508 6579


Friendly Fish Aquatics
Inside Bonnies Oak Garden centre
Water Ln,
Roydon, Harlow,
Essex CM19 5DR