White Cloud Mountain Minnows

Latin Name: Tanichthys albonubes

Other Names: White Cloud Mountain Minnow

How hard are they to keep? White Cloud Minnows are considered very easy to keep, making them a great choice for beginner fishkeepers.

What is its maximum size? They typically reach a maximum size of around 1.5 to 2 inches (4-5 cm).

Where are they from? White Cloud Minnows are native to the streams and ponds of the White Cloud Mountain region in Guangdong Province, China.

How many can I keep? They are social fish and are best kept in groups of at least 6 individuals. The more individuals and the larger the tank, the better.

How compatible are they with other fish? White Cloud Minnows are peaceful and can get along well with other small, non-aggressive fish. They are often kept in community aquariums with species like tetras, rasboras, and guppies.

What are the ideal water conditions? They prefer slightly acidic to slightly alkaline water with a pH between 6.0 and 8.0. The temperature should be kept between 64-72°F (18-22°C). They can tolerate a wide range of water conditions but do best in clean, well-maintained aquariums.

How do you tell the difference between male and female? Males tend to be smaller and slimmer, while females are slightly larger and rounder, especially when carrying eggs. Additionally, males may have brighter coloration and longer fins during breeding.

Fun Fact: White Cloud Minnows are incredibly hardy and can survive in cooler temperatures. In fact, they can even withstand lower temperatures than many tropical fish, which makes them a popular choice for unheated or cold-water aquarium setups.

These can be found in tank 53


0208 508 6579


Friendly Fish Aquatics
Inside Bonnies Oak Garden centre
Water Ln,
Roydon, Harlow,
Essex CM19 5DR