Green Tiger Barb

Latin Name: Puntigrus tetrazona

Other Names: Sumatra Barb,

How hard are they to keep? Green Tiger Barbs are relatively easy to care for and are suitable for beginner aquarists. However, they are known to be fin nippers, so careful attention should be given to tank mates and sufficient hiding spots provided.

What is its maximum size? The maximum size of a Green Tiger Barb is around 2 inches (5 cm).

Where are they from? Green Tiger Barbs are native to the rivers and streams of Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Our Green Barb were bred  in Singapore

How many can I keep? It is recommended to keep Green Tiger Barbs in groups of at least 6 or more individuals to deter aggression and facilitate their schooling behaviour.

How compatible are they with other fish? Green Tiger Barbs can be slightly aggressive and fin nippers, especially if kept in smaller groups or with slow-moving or long-finned species. They are best kept with similarly active and robust fish.

What are the ideal water conditions? The ideal water conditions for Green Tiger Barbs are slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.0-7.5. The temperature should be maintained between 72-79°F (22-26°C). They appreciate a well-planted tank with open swimming spaces. The Green Tiger Barb that are for sale at Friendly Fish were bred in harder water similar to the local hard water.

How do you tell the difference between Male and female? Male Green Tiger Barbs are typically slimmer and display more intense coloration, including a vibrant green or yellow body and red or orange fins. Females tend to have more rounded bodies and duller coloration.

Fun Fact : Green Tiger Barbs are known for their active and playful behaviour. They enjoy chasing

These can be found in tank Number: 36


0208 508 6579


Friendly Fish Aquatics
Inside Bonnies Oak Garden centre
Water Ln,
Roydon, Harlow,
Essex CM19 5DR