Norman Lampeye

Latin Name: Poropanchax normani

Other Names: Norman’s lampeye, Lampeye killifish

How hard are they to keep?  Norman’s Lampeye, is considered relatively easy to keep. They are hardy fish and can adapt well to different water conditions, making them suitable for beginners.

What is its maximum size? Norman’s Lampeye typically reaches a maximum size of around 1.5 inches (3.8 cm).

Where are they from? They are native to Western Africa, particularly in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.

How many can I keep? You can keep a small group of Norman’s Lampeye in the same tank. A minimum group size of 3-4 individuals is recommended to provide proper social interaction and minimize aggression.

How compatible are they with other fish? Norman’s Lampeye is generally peaceful and can coexist with other peaceful community fish. They are compatible with species that have a similar temperament and water preferences.

What are the ideal water conditions? They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions, with a pH ranging from 6.0 to 7.5. The water temperature should be maintained between 72-80°F (22-27°C). Providing them with plants, driftwood, and leaf litter to mimic their natural environment is beneficial. The Normans Lampeye that is for sale have been climatized to our local water conditions.

How do you tell the difference between male and female? Males typically have more vibrant coloration, especially on their fins. They also tend to be smaller and more slender than females. Females are generally larger and have a more rounded body shape.

Fun Fact: Norman’s Lampeye is named after George Albert Boulenger, who described and named this species in honour of E.A. Norman, a fellow zoologist. It was Norman who provided Boulenger with the type specimen used to describe this colourful and fascinating fish.

These can be found in tank no 5


0208 508 6579


Friendly Fish Aquatics
Inside Bonnies Oak Garden centre
Water Ln,
Roydon, Harlow,
Essex CM19 5DR