Armoured Shrimp

Latin Name: Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Other Names: Giant river prawn, Malaysian prawn

How hard are they to keep? Armoured shrimp, specifically the Macrobrachium rosenbergii species, are considered moderately difficult to keep as they have specific requirements and can be more aggressive compared to other shrimp species.

What is its maximum size? Armoured shrimp, such as Macrobrachium rosenbergii, can grow up to impressive sizes, reaching lengths of about 12 inches (30 cm) or even larger.

Where are they from? Armoured shrimp are native to freshwater habitats in Southeast Asia, including countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

How many can I keep? Due to their size and territorial behaviour, it is recommended to keep only one Macrobrachium rosenbergii in a well-sized and adequately equipped aquarium.

How compatible are they with other fish? It is crucial to exercise caution when keeping armoured shrimp with other fish as they can be aggressive and may attack smaller or slower tankmates. They are best kept alone or with larger, fast-swimming, non-aggressive fish species.

What are the ideal water conditions? Armoured shrimp prefer warm water with a temperature range of 75-85°F (24-29°C). They require excellent filtration and a spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding spots, rocks, and vegetation. Water quality, including ammonia and nitrate levels, should be closely monitored. The Armoured Shrimp that are for sale have been climatized to our local water conditions.

How do you tell the difference between Male and female? Male and female armoured shrimp can be distinguished by their pincers. Males typically have larger, thicker, and more elongated pincers compared to females. Females often exhibit a broader abdominal plate as they carry eggs.

Fun Fact: Armoured shrimp, such as Macrobrachium rosenbergii, are known for their impressive size and strength. They have a distinct appearance with their robust bodies and large claws. These shrimp are also popular in aquaculture for their tasty meat, making them not only captivating to observe but also potentially a delicious culinary option for seafood enthusiasts.

These can be found in tank Number: 38


0208 508 6579


Friendly Fish Aquatics
Inside Bonnies Oak Garden centre
Water Ln,
Roydon, Harlow,
Essex CM19 5DR