Hugo Kamishi Mi Tank Tanuki

If you are looking for a stylish and functional glass aquarium, look no further than the Hugo Kamishi Mi Tank Tanuki. This 16-litre tank has everything you need to get started with fish keeping, whether you prefer tropical or coldwater fish. The tank has curved glass corners that give it a smooth and elegant appearance, as well as high-performance LED lighting that enhances the colours and movements of your fish. The tank also comes with a powerhead filter that provides effective and quiet water filtration, along with filter media that help keep the water clean and healthy. The Mi Tank Tanuki is available in four vibrant colours: black, white, pink, and blue, so you can pick the one that matches your personality and decor. The Mi Tank Tanuki is part of the Hugo Kamishi Glass Aquarium Collection, which offers a range of sizes and shapes to suit any space and budget. The Mi Tank Tanuki is a perfect choice for both beginners and experienced fish keepers, as it is easy to set up and maintain. Order yours today and discover the beauty and peace of a Hugo Kamishi aquarium.

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Hugo Kamishi Mi Tank Tanuki

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The Hugo Kamishi Mi Tank Tanuki is a 16-litre glass aquarium with curved corners, LED lighting, and a powerhead filter. It is suitable for tropical or Coldwater fish, and comes in four colours: black, white, pink, and blue.


Ornaments are sold Separately


0208 508 6579


Friendly Fish Aquatics
Inside Bonnies Oak Garden centre
Water Ln,
Roydon, Harlow,
Essex CM19 5DR